First of all, props to WWE, what a great show. I've been saying for weeks now that the product is starting to get stale again but this week I've been (again) proved wrong. Money in the Bank wasn't an awful show, in fact I quite enjoyed it. I'm a big fan of the MITB ladder matches, regardless of who is in them and who wins them, I just think it's a great concept and usually a great match. The end result of the PPV was Cena winning the titles, and to be honest I'm not as butthurt as most fans, yes they could have made one of three potential huge stars tonight (Reigns, Cesaro or Bray Wyatt) but they took the safe way out and gave it to Cena. I'm not disappointed, I'd rather Cena than Orton, Sheamus, or Del Rio (who hasn't been relevant since 2011, why was he even in the match?), I know Cena's only holding it until Lesnar comes back, which is fine. In fact that makes me glad they didn't give it to one of three future stars, because they'd immediately be fed to Lesnar really early in their reign, which would be a shame.

Afterwards came a solid match between the new "Mr Money in the Bank", Seth Rollins and Rob Van Dam, the match cut to break mid way through so they weren't given much of an opportunity to tell a great story. But they are two very strong workers, RVD can still go with the best, he had a fantastic match with NXT champion Adrian Neville on NXT, nothing standout but basically what you'd expect. The promo afterwards by Dean Ambrose, however, was incredible. He has really been on his game since The Shield parted ways, he's been a breath of fresh air lately and is definitely giving Bray Wyatt a run for his money.
Lana and Rusev have been driving me nuts lately, I'm not going to lie, Lana is stunning, but that fake Russian accent grates on me, like really pisses me off. Rusev just sucks, so I was cheering when Zeb and Thwagger came down and shut them up, turning face in the process. A great moment, one of the standout moments on the show, Swagger has been a heel his whole career, so for him to come out and immediately that big of a pop was quite a moment to behold. I think they can get some great momentum out of this feud with Rusev, but beyond that I don't see them staying face for long. Which works, because WWE seem to turn wrestlers left, right and centre nowadays.
Then came a rather forgettable match with The Wyatt Family taking on The Uso's and Sheamus, I think WWE made a mistake not putting the tag titles on Harper and Rowan at MITB, it seems as if they're beating the champions week in, week out but somehow can't beat them at the PPV... #WWElogic. Then a Divas match involving the Bella's and the Funkadactyles. The less said about that one the better.
Ok, Cesaro went in to a match with Kofi Kingston, Cesaro apparently took a blow to the eye resulting in an injury and the match ending during the break, which is damn unfortunate because if the injury is serious that's another star with great momentum and potential added to the injury list, along with Wade Barrett. As much as I like Cesaro I didn't pay much attention to the match, but the fact that it ended during a break caught my attention, the post match beatdown was actually quite brutal, and honestly more interesting. I just hope Cesaro recovers quickly because he's due a big push really soon. The Great Khali then returned (he was gone?) and beat down Damien Sandow, who was dressed as Vince McMahon, in about 8 seconds.

Ziggler then faced Fandango in one of the most bizarre endings to a match I've ever seen. It was a fairly short match, again I didn't pay much attention. Summer Rae ran in during the match and made out with Ziggler for some reason, then Fandango got mad, Ziggler hit the Zig-Zag and won the match, and both Summer and Ziggler seemed to enjoy the kiss...I'm not sure what to make of this but whatever.
Next up is a tag match between Rybaxel (Ryback and Curtis Axel, not some kind of hemorrhoid cream or something) vs Goldust and Stardust. Anyone who knows me well knows I'm a Cody Rhodes fan, he's brilliant and Stardust is a testament to Cody Rhodes' talents. He can really make anything work, if this is building to a feud between the two I think Goldust vs Stardust will be a much more interesting feud than Cody vs Goldust. However I think once that feud is done with, Cody needs to go back to being Cody, otherwise this gimmick becomes pointless.
Paige makes her way to the ring and cuts a pretty poor promo on how she feels she's proved herself and she's here to stay. Good to know. Then AJ's music hits and she's back! Awesome, she tells Paige she's realised the error of her ways (apparently) and that Paige proved her wrong. Then Paige goes off on one about how she thinks AJ is trying to sweet talk her into a rematch...this segment was basically a rehash of the one where Paige won the title. Paige ended up dropping the title to AJ which, contrary to belief, I am totally OK with. I am a massive Paige fan but her title run has been very poor, WWE has booked her terribly and now they have a chance to put it right now that AJ is back. This is the feud that fans of both women wanted to see, and now we can see it. There's been a lot of fans on Twitter saying Paige should go back to NXT, but that is totally pointless, the whole point of NXT is to get to the main roster and win titles, Paige has done that so going back to NXT would hurt her rather than help her. I'm looking forward to where WWE will hopefully with the two of them and I think what seemed like the beginnings of a heel turn for Paige last night will provide the jumping off point she needs to get fans talking again, allowing her to be more aggressive like she used to be since WWE have really toned down her character.
A basic main event came next, a predictable finish (WWE do love a DQ) that didn't really do anything for either of them. Kane Tombstoned Cena, and for some reason a doctor was called...really? A doctor? Seth Rollins entered afterwards looking to cash in but Ambrose lived up to his promise and beat him down before he could cash in. Raw ended on a big staredown between Triple H and Roman Reigns, probably leading to a match between the two at potentially SummerSlam.
Verdict: 8/10
A very strong Raw, plenty of talking points but no contenders for Match of the Year, hopefully WWE keep on this form and we see plenty more surprises down the line in the near future.
I'm hoping to start reviewing Raw every week so stay tuned, thanks for reading.