Wednesday, 25 June 2014

What the hell is happening to WWE?

Ok, so what the hell is going on? First we have what I like to call the "dog shit era" (2007-2011) where absolutely nothing about WWE is watchable at all, like seriously, possible the worst era in wrestling history. Then business picks up when Punk takes off in 2011 with Money in the Bank and his feud with Laurinaitis and all that, things start to look up, then BOOM! Dog shit era 2.0 (2012-2014). But 2014 man, it started off in the usual godawful way that we've been used to since Vince went completely senile back in 2006 when he started mocking God, but then WrestleMania XXX rolled around and we were filled with a huge amount of hope...FINALLY! SOME FUCKING HOPE!!

Let's just take a moment and think of what they gave us. First off THE single most underrated and mistreated guy in the company finally got a push because the fans were sick to fucking death of Triple H's buddies being shoved down their throats (myself included). Daniel Bryan single handedly started his own little revolution, he got himself massively over simply by being amazing in the ring. He showed that this is a wrestling business and not Vince's own entertainment brand. Bryan wins the title at WrestleMania like he was destined to do since the Royal Rumble when the crowd royally shafted Batista and Triple H shit himself. Bryan began to show that he was what the company needed all along, before his injury he was the guy who the fans just wanted to see succeed. But then of course in typical WWE fan style, once the guy they wanted to see succeed actually does succeed, they want someone new...I swear, ya'll are a bunch of fucking hipsters. 

Enter Cesaro. Cesaro of course also got massively over with the "WWE Universe" (anybody else really despise that nickname btw?) simply because he could swing people around in a fucking circle, had cool theme music...oh, and he was in Ring of Honor like Bryan and Punk before him. No, but I'll admit, Cesaro is a cool dude and I really hope he walks out of Money in the Bank as champion. He got massively over around the WrestleMania period and became another of WWE's top potential stars. The night after WrestleMania however he turned on the Real Americans and was revealed to be a Paul Heyman "guy", the crowd popped big time, I marked the fuck out, it was insane. But then unfortunately WWE and Paul Heyman did what WWE and Paul Heyman do and fuck it up by making it all about somebody else. Cesaro is a great wrestler, and was getting massively over all by himself, but sticking him with Heyman has managed to destroy that huge momentum he had. I don't know why Heyman is spouting about Lesnar beating Taker's streak every fucking week when he's managing Cesaro, it's literally taking all the attention off Cesaro. Now what looked to be a promising year for Cesaro has now fizzled down to mid-card destiny. Shame.

Ahh The Shield. Who didn't love The Shield? They were the best thing going in WWE and now they're gone. I'm not going to lie, I loved them as a team and didn't want them to break up, but I really can't wait to see what they do next now they're branching out as singles wrestlers. It should be an exciting time but now it seems the monkeys in WWE's creative department haven't got a damn clue what to do with them. Reigns is feuding with Orton for some reason, Ambrose is trying to feud with Rollins, and Rollins is Triple H's golden boy who looks to be feuding with Ambrose but doesn't seem to be taking the huge chance he was handed when he really should have became the new member of Evolution, therefore restoring Evolution to it's original format, the past (Triple H), the present (Orton), and the future (Rollins). I honestly have no idea where they're going with any of it.

Speaking of the monkeys in WWE's creative department... Has anyone heard of Paige? You know, the Divas champion, debuted to a huge pop, won the title, looked to be massively over immediately then has been stuck in mediocre matches with no one deserving of even a match with her at the moment? Yeah her. When she came in the complexion of the Divas division changed, and looked like it was finally going to go back to being a "women's wrestling" division, but then AJ fucked off and now Paige is left with no real worthy opponents except maybe Natalya, but of course she's wrapped up in the piss yourself, dildo fest that is Total Divas...or so WWE would have you believe. Apparently no one in WWE watches NXT because if they did they'd have seen the quality matches Paige had with Summer Rae and Emma and others in NXT. Therefore giving her formidable opponents worthy of a title...instead of Alicia Fox every week. Of course with AJ leaving Paige hasn't had that gripping feud to set her on fire yet, and she's never going to get that with Alicia Fox, or Tamina or fucking Slutadactyle Cameron...even Naomi. It's sad that WWE doesn't seem to recognise talent when they have it. Especially in Cesaro and Paige.

I'll be back tomorrow to rant further about the clusterfuck that is WWE's programming...and a small special on NXT and their persistence to put Mojo Rawley on my screen who I strongly dislike. Thanks for reading, drop me a line if you enjoyed it on Twitter

Thanks again.

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