Wednesday 20 February 2013

Elimination Chamber, NXT, and updates.

It's been far too long since I've posted on here, over a week, I promised myself when I started this blog that I'd try and post every day, hasn't happened, so I need to wake up and start posting, don't I?

I'm going to start off and say a little bit about Elimination Chamber, and the following Raw episode, I'm going to be brutally honest here, they both blew. My main reason for saying Raw was garbage is almost solely down to the fact I was hoping to see the Undertaker, but as regular viewers would know, I was let down. Elimination Chamber on the other hand, the chamber match was cool, don't get me wrong, but I was really, really, royally, undeniably, extremely pissed off that Jack Swagger won, my guess would have been Mark Henry (as I've read this is his final run, and he's retiring after 'Mania) or maybe Chris Jericho or Randy Orton to give either of them a decent angle walking into WrestleMania. But Jack Swagger? He's been gone, what? Six months? And he just walks into the chamber match and wins and gets to go and headline (I say headline, really should say 'open') WrestleMania, the biggest show of the year? If someone had told me that six months ago I would have slapped them in the face. As you can probably tell I'm not a huge Swagger fan (he really has nothing to offer as a World Champion, we've seen that before) but I swear to God, what is WWE's deal with pushing wrestlers who could never be a top superstar? The likes of Swagger, Big Show, Mark Henry, Alberto Del Rio and Christian have all had major championships, two of those names (Swagger and Del Rio, coincidentally 'Mania's title match) haven't even peaked in their career and they've had at least one reign. That was what pissed me off most on the PPV, The Shield match on the other I was very impressed with, we finally get to see these three superstars who everyone is raving about (including myself) in a match, and they totally stole the show. What annoyed me about it was that the match was about 15 minutes long, and 10 minutes was John Cena getting his butt kicked, it was like "Hey, this is a six-man tag match but let's put all the focus on Cena AGAIN!". I'm not a Cena hater, in fact I like the guy (not very much but I like him) but that match was way too focused on him. Rock vs Punk was a thrill as you'd expect with a very good ending, but the follow up the next night was awful, the new title is an eyesore might I add.

Now let's move to something more interesting; NXT (WWE's developmental territory) has really picked up recently, more and more of the matches are becoming more and more interesting. If anyone hasn't checked it out you really should, if you're an English fan it's on SkySports on a Thursday night at 12am, if you're a North American fan I believe it's that show it. You really should check it out as it is a WWE product but without all the massive production values (it's filmed in a University film studio) and the big promos and storylines, it's all about the wrestling, the match quality and the ability to get a crowd going. It's no longer the Rookie/Pro crap, it's a brand new, fresh product that has really caught my attention recently and I've really started to love the likes of Adrian Neville, Corey Graves, Big E Langston, Kassius Ohno, Leo Kruger, Bo Dallas, Paige and Oliver Grey, in fact I usually find myself looking forward to NXT more than Raw or Smackdown. You do get the occasional star popping up, 3MB are on every now and then, Kane, Big Show, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Wade Barrett have all appeared recently on NXT and just bring more quality to the product...not even mentioning William Regal's top class commentary, and the occasional use of 'Good Ol' J.R' Jim Ross.

Ok, so time to sign off, as far as regular updates go I'm thinking of starting up a YouTube Vlog account to basically correspond with this blog, and a twitter handle to post more regular updates (I use twitter very regularly, follow me @AMJ93NUFC) and that way I can stay in touch with anyone who wants to,

Until next time, cheerio,

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