Wednesday 6 February 2013

First post.

So I used to run a wrestling blog a long while ago, I always need a way to either vent my frustrations about the current product or express my satisfaction with the programming, so I decided to start up again under this new domain.

I tried taking a look at tumblr as more people would probably take more notice but I honestly couldn't get the hang of it, I couldn't find anyone I knew (I have friends who use tumblr), and I just had no idea what the hell I was doing, so I deleted it after literally about 20 minutes, if that. 

SO! If you know me you know I'm very opinionated, as far as wrestling goes I, like everyone else, have my favourites, and then I have the ones I hate too, if you're going to follow the blog you should first get used to reading opinions and my views...this isn't a news page, I rarely look at facts, this is just my opinions on what is going on in WWE at the moment, and probably some opinions on the past. 

It annoys me so much that the IWC is so small here in the UK, at least where I live, I know (literally) about 5 people who actually watch wrestling as much as I do (3-4 shows, every week, a few PPV's a year), therefore it's hard for me to get my opinions across as I really have no one to talk about it with. My Dad got me into wrestling when I was very little, but he really doesn't have much of an idea of what's happening with the business, and he's really one of those plastic fans who only cheer the good guys and boos the bad guys. It kind of annoys me a little bit cause he really doesn't like to listen to reason, but again it just means I have no one to really talk about it with. There used to be a girl at Uni who watched it every week and has watched it almost as long as I have so we would talk about it every now and then, but we moved groups in second year and I hardly ever see her anymore so, again, no one to talk about wrestling with. 

It's a lot more frustrating than it sounds, really, I'm a very talkative person, and I probably have far more opinions than what's healthy. I need somewhere to put them all so I can kind of get them off my mind, so I've restarted a blog, even if no one reads it it still gets the opinions off my mind a little bit, kind of like writing a diary. 

I also realise that people probably don't care about wrestling, but I I got two words for ya.. know the rest,

thanks and stay tuned,

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